GB Charities chooses motivated students to receive tuition support of their elementary and secondary education.

All scholarship recipients and their parents enter into a binding contract: One requirement is a strong family support system. Each child is supported by a GB Charities member, who monitors the child’s grades, attendance, effort, and conduct. GB Charities also encourages the child’s participation in extracurricular activities, such as Scouts, sports, and the arts.

All of GB Charities administrative and operating costs are absorbed by GB Charities members. Every dollar donated goes directly to fund a child’s scholarship.

Please donate today.

Your gift will help a deserving child receive a quality education and a solid moral foundation.

current scholarships

GB Charities currently has more than 100 “adopted” children receiving scholarships, from first grade through high school.

But more needs to be done. GB Charities can’t help all the quality applicants without more funding. Your support is greatly needed and deeply appreciated.

Please contact us today and contribute to our Annual Fund.

Do you have a child who would benefit from a GB Charities scholarship? 

Print and complete this application and mail it to GB Charities for consideration:

G.B. Charities, Inc. 
P.O. Box 4954
Lutherville, MD 21094-4954

The awards for the 2023-2024 school year have already been given. 

The deadline to apply for the 2024-2025 school year is January 1, 2024.

The deadline to apply for the 2025-2026 school year is January 1, 2025.